Customer-driven Service Desk – Why and How?

There will always be employees who are not pleased with the provided support services. But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t listen to them. Continuous Employee Experience measurement makes it possible to spot those areas that need development. Sometimes you will find quick wins which will have huge business impact, and you as a service owner can show the value of Service Management and Service Desk.

 Lindgren – Day 2, 11:55 – 12:15


Sami Kallio, CEO, HappySignals Ltd

Sami Kallio is the CEO and Founder of HappySignals, an Employee Experience measurement tool for ITSM. Happy Signals helps organisations improve their internal services’ performance by measuring and analysing employee experience and lost work time. Previously Sami was Service Designer and CEO of Palmu Exe, part of one of Europe’s biggest service design companies, Palmu.